The colour of this chakra is yellow. Crystals that are used in working with this chakra are: Tiger's Eye, Citrine, Malachite, Golden Topaz and Amber.
Tiger's Eye - (a Chalcedony Quartz, Yellow to gold in colour) Indicated for ulcers, anxiety, gall bladder problems, hay fever and hypochondria. It is a stone for confidence, will power, clears thinking and speaking, brings personal power in life. It helps grounding the elevated conscience of the crown chakra (7th) in physical reality. It has the ability to bring Heaven on Earth. It is a good stone for those unable to manifest their will in action.
Citrine - (Clear yellow to orange and brown, may fade in the sun) is used for mental and emotional clarity, memory improvement, stronger will power, optimism and confidence. It is the best stone when dealing with material problems of the terrestrial existence such as business, education, interpersonal and family relationships. Healing stone for digestion, stomach, food disorders, allergies and detoxification. Reduces anxiety, fear and depression. It's vibrating yellow-orange colour will enhance the light surrounding the body, forming a protective aura, which means it helps reduce influence of negative vibrations.
Malachite - (has a steady pulsing electromagnetic energy) It is a stone that rapidly absorbs negative energies from painful areas. It Releases and draws out pain, inflammation, depression, anger and heals blocks. Protects well by powerfully cleaning the auric field, rapidly absorbing undesirable energies. Because of its capacity of bringing to the surface all that that is not obvious, it is recommended to be worn/used with a stone like rose quartz and amethyst. Azurite and chrysocolla both have the ability to combine their blue nuances with Malachite's green. It is not recommended to be cleansed in salt, as it is very soft.
Amber - (Petrified tree resin) This stone is sacred to American Indians. It is known to have the ability to draw disease from the body, and because Amber absorbs negative energy it needs to be cleansed regularly. It acts through the solar plexus chakra to calms nerves and gives confidence, helps with spleen, liver and gallbladder problems and it is a Very sensual stone.