Pink and green are the colours associated with this chakra. Crystals: Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Jadeite, New Jade, Nephrite.
Rose Quartz - (Translucent to clear Pink, may fade in the sun) Rose Quartz is the corner-stone for the heart Chakra. Its energy is essential to self-fulfillment and inner peace. The soft soothing pink of Rose Quartz comforts and heals any wounds the heart has accumulated. It is a stone for those who are unable to experience the joy of living because they never had love given to them. It is for people who have not experienced the true essence of love and are therefore unable to access the inner realms of the heart. Being an important member of the Quartz family, Rose Quartz inherits dynamic intensity and healing power. In addition, it manifests a calm vibration of soft sweet pink.
Often when children are reared and do not receive the love and nurturing that is vitally necessary in the development of a positive self-image. If the basic emotional needs are not met a child will subconsciously conclude that he/she is not worth loving and as a result will not know how to love him/herself and to give and to share love with others. Children suffering from this kind of deprivation grow up with attitudes about themselves and about life that perpetuate their feeling of loneliness ands worthlessness. Not feeling good about oneself, it is very difficult to attract positive circumstances and fulfilling relationships. Unfortunately, adults who never received love as children will often be unable to provide it to their children, and the vicious circle will continue.
Unless a deep inner healing takes place and these primal imprints are erased, there is little chance for inner peace or true happiness. Rose Quartz is the healer for such internal wounds. It teaches one the power of forgiveness and reprograms the heart to love itself. Rose Quartz teaches that the source of love comes from within the self and from that source of infinite love any wound, no matter how deep or painful, can be healed. Rose Quartz, upon healing the heart, will also show that the lesson contained in many negative childhood experiences is for the self to learn how to love and nurture itself.
Rose Quartz gently penetrates into the inner chambers of the heart Chakra, where all emotional experiences are recorded and stored. As Rose Quartz witnesses the trauma written therein it empathizes, understands and begins to dissolve the accumulated burdens that suppress the heart's ability to give and receive love. Rose Quartz is like a wise old woman that knows all of the answers and can heal with a mere glance. As the Rose Quartz energy is sensed, the soul sighs with relief as it intuitively knows that at last the healing has come. This divine Rose Quartz essence begins to circulate energy throughout the heart Chakra, bringing inner nourishment and comfort. As the presence of love is felt, the sorrows, fears and resentments that have constricted the flow of love are replaced with a deep sense of personal fulfillment. This forms the foundation upon which inner peace and contentment become a personal reality.
This Rose Quartz healing process may take many months or even years to accomplish, depending upon the depth of internalized pain and the personal willingness to reprogram the heart. As the process unfolds, be prepared to recall many past forgotten experiences that initially created the emotional stress. Allow the tears to flow as you encourage the release of suppressed feelings. During these vulnerable times always carry a piece of Rose Quartz with you or wear Rose Quartz jewelry. This is a time when much of your energies will be internalized and devoted to your own healing process. Try to plan quiet peaceful time for yourself and be with people who are understanding and aware of the healing crisis that is taking place. These times are ideal to practice the power of positive affirmation as you convince yourself how much you love yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror, as you stand naked before it, and tell yourself how beautiful you are. Look yourself in the eyes and express your appreciation for all that you have been through. Reprogram yourself as you listen to what you have to say and communicate to yourself your deepest heart-felt secrets. Consciously fill in all of the vacant spaces and learn to trust yourself-that no matter what happens, you will always be there for you! This type of self love is the only real basis for security. All other attachments in life are destined to change and it is only the self, united with itself that forms the foundation upon which all of life's changes can be effectively and maturely adjusted to.
Aventurine - is frequently known as a stone of great spirituality. It has been said to be a healing gem with a wondrous capacity for mental and physical healing properties. Spiritualists have long held that Aventurine has the ability to ground the spirit and bring balance to male and female energies. Its capacity to calm a troubled spirit or mind and bring an inner peace make Aventurine a very important stone in the spiritual realm. Aventurine’s strongest mental healing characteristic is its ability to ground an individual emotionally, thus allowing for thought that is free of fear, troubled emotions, indecisiveness, and anxiety. This clarity of mind and self confidence that result from wearing this powerful stone energize, inspire, motivate and enhance one’s ability to relate to others on an emotional level. It is a stone for leaders, for protectors and counselors; wear it when making critical decisions, when anxious or when feeling overwhelmed by life’s problems and it will amplify your ability to focus and find creative solutions. Aventurine to be the best all around healing stone, because, along with the many mental benefits of Aventurine healing, there are also many physical healing powers that followers of Alternative Medicine attribute to the stone. While its primary physical healing function is to heal afflictions of the heart and lungs and adrenal system, healers also consider Aventurine helpful in the treatment of fevers, inflammation, nervous system stress and migraines, eye ailments, blood pressure abnormalities, hypertension and urogenital disorders.
Jade - (The colour range of Nephrite Jade is olive green, misty green,light green and brown green) Encourages practicality, wisdom, mental peace and tolerance of others. They also believe it can rejuvenate during periods of stress, reduce fears, banish negative thoughts and increase a person’s capacity for giving and receiving love. Jade makes a good worry stone and is often used in rosaries.
Crystal healers associate Jade with ailments of the immune system, thymus, heart, kidney and nervous system. Nephrite is actually derived from the Greek word for kidneys and is still a remedy among healers for Nephritic Colic. The crystal healing followers also believe it can stimulate white blood cell and adrenaline production, which could account for its long association with sports. Eastern athletes believe it can darken in times of superior fitness and lighten when illness comes. It was considered to be a sacred stone during the times of historical China and it is still used to make sacred articles today.
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