The colours associated with this Chakra are white and lavender
DIAMOND. This well-known mineral powerfully absorbs and amplifies thoughts of user, other gems and wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Used with loving, clear intent it clears blocks and opens Crown Chakra. It helps with spiritual love, peace, clarity, trust and confidence. No emotion can affect its pure mental nature. Ancients also used it for detox as it is said to protect from poisons. When considering the use of a Diamond for healing purposes, one must ignore its monetary value and concentrate upon the stone's unique relationship with energy. It is frequently combined with other gems or crystals. If used with an Aquamarine, a Diamond will increase the cleansing properties and mental soothing that Aquamarine helps to produce. It worn or carried alone, it will amplify the energy of the wearer. Unfortunately, this includes any negative energy the wearer might possess as well. Some literature contends that the blue light within the color spectrum of a Diamond is beneficial for glaucoma. Diamonds are beneficial to the brain and testicles. Some recommend it for diseases of the bladder but only in desperate cases. In all cases, the stone needs to touch the skin in order to increase its effectiveness. Emeralds and amethysts are especially amplified by Diamonds. Powerfully absorbs and amplifies thoughts/attitudes of user, other gems, and wearer's strengths and weaknesses: Prosperity, generosity/ vs. misery; love vs. distrust; overview, spirituality vs. lust, immediate gratification. Used with loving, clear intent, it clears blocks, opens Crown Chakra: spiritual love, peace, clarity, trust, and confidence. Cleanse thoroughly (It can hold other's previous attitudes, emotions...)
HERKIMER DIAMOND is called the "stone of attunement". While it is not actually diamond, it is a quartz that often resembles the sparkling clarity of diamonds. It can be metaphysically programmed to attune one to an environment, a situation, a quality, or most anything. It is said to assist with balance on the mental, emotional and physical levels. It can be used effectively to clear and open any chakra. It is professed to relieve tension and thereby promote peace of mind. Psychically, it's useful for auric cleansing and dream recall. Mystical lore says that physically it can be used to heal addictions and remove toxins. The Herkimer Diamond is one very powerful stone with similar qualities to quartz. It is known as a friend to all with the ability to release stress and tension throughout the body. It also strengthens and boosts the power of other stones.
ROCK CRYSTAL or CLEAR QUARTZ. Probably the most versatile multi purpose healing stone, it is easy to cleanse, store info/energy in, program or amplify energy and healing with. Can both draw and send energy. Powerful clear ones open brow, crown, and transpersonal chakra for meditation, sending/receiving guidance. Stimulates natural crystals in body tissues and fluids to resonate at new healing frequency. Works with all chakras and master gland. For Spiritual Healers, no stone is as essential to their craft as quartz. Embodying all the qualities they seek, it is the quintessential healing Crystal. Part of this faith they place in Quartz comes from its scientific properties that make it useful in electronic devices. From this one truth, Crystal therapists make huge leaps in logic. They believe that its crystal formation can align the harmonies within the human body, that they can “program” the crystal easily, that acupuncture needles coated with quartz are more effective, and that it has the ability to receive and send energy. Crystal Healers use clear Quartz in rituals meant to treat convulsions, diarrhea, dizziness, exposure to radiation, general pain, hemorrhages, headaches, hypochondria and kidney diseases. For emotional healing, spiritualists believe this crystal to be an important self-esteem stone. They credit it with having the ability to treat the traumas of a neglectful or abusive childhood, to balance chaotic emotions and to increase emotional energy and motivate for action. Other mental healing uses include increasing insight and intuition, helping a person to avoid the traps of self-pity, helping one to achieve the ultimate potential and easing meditation and harmony. Though not its primary use in spiritualism, Clear Quartz has very strong powers of protection. They believe it can use its powers of energy dissipation and transmutation to destroy or convert negative energies and evil psychic attacks on the person. For the spiritualist, Clear Quartz is the ultimate energy manager, it has the ability to transmit and receive energy. In transmission, it can amplify, focus, and direct the energy. In receiving, it can store energy for later use, transform it into any usable condition, screen out unwanted vibrations and center one’s own energy.
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