1. Salt:
Put some sea salt in a glass bowl (not the so-called “crystal”; that is in fact lead glass and is not good for this purpose) then sink the crystal/s you wish to cleanse in the salt, so that it is fully covered. If sea salt is unavailable, regular salt may be used. Its effect is less refined but it’s better than nothing.
First-time cleansing – leave in salt for 6 days.
Regularly cleanse your crystal (depending on how often you use it) – weekly or monthly (or more often for certain crystals). Leave in salt for about 24 hours.
2. Salt influence
Half-fill a glass bowl with salt. Place inside a smaller glass container. Place the crystals to be cleansed in that second glass. Make sure the salt level is above the highest crystal point.
Salt is not to be reused since it retains the negative energy of the crystal that was in it. You can flush it down the toilet; just make sure you have all your crystals before doing that.
3. Salt water:
1-4 spoons of Sea Salt in a glass bowl in cool water (depending on the size of the bowl). Place the crystals in the water. Make sure the crystals are covered with water. Let them bathe in the water for about 4 days (1st time) or 24-48 hours for regular cleansing.
4. Cluster
Place your crystal on a large crystal cluster or amethyst cathedral for 24-48 h. Ideal for small crystals and jewelry.
If polished/cut in shape, ask the crystal to forgive the person who brutalized it. To do that, enter a meditative state then address the crystal with respect, as a valued friend and mentor. Repeat this cleansing 3-4 times and do not use for healing right away, as it may not respond properly. Your intuition will tell you when the crystal is ready to be used for healing.
If you know or believe that your crystal came in contact with negative energies, cleanse it before you use it again. Your intuition will tell you how long you should leave it in salt/salt water.
Some crystals should NOT be washed/cleansed in salt water/sun for it changes their physical properties
Not to be cleansed in salt: malachite
Not to be cleansed in Salt Water: Calcite, Carnelian, Celestite, Labradorite (Spectrolite), Lepidolite, Moldavite, Opal, Pearl, Turquoise, Ulexite
May fade in Sunlight: Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Celestite, Opal, Turquoise, Fluorite
5. Cold water
After you remove your crystal from the salt or salt water, hold your crystal under running water (cold tap water if none other available) for about 10-15 minutes. Visualize all dark and dense energies dissolving and washing away. If you're at a beach or near a stream, or waterfall, allow the water to flow over your stones. If not, visualize a waterfall while you hold the stones under the tap. A method I use is to visualize a ray of white light coming over the stone and purifying it of all negative that’s left on it.
After you cleansed your crystal(s), it is ready to be charged/recharged.
When you take your crystal out of the running water, let it dry in open air under sunlight or moonlight preferably directly on the ground.
Sunlight - An hour or more of sunlight will charge most crystals. Sunlight is terrific for clear quartz. After a sunbath on your windowsill, your clear quartz crystals will be noticeably brighter. For the crystals that have the tendency to fade in sunlight, half an hour is enough.
Moonlight – Moonlight is a gentle and penetrating method for recharging your stones. The light of the full moon is desirable, being brightest, but the light of any phase will serve. When the moon is in its growing phase (Shaped like a D) the effect will be one of stimulation and when the moon decreases (Shaped like a C) the crystal will have a calming effect.
Crystal Attunement
As you begin to work with crystals and to attune yourself to their energy, you will notice two things: 1) No two crystals attunements are ever alike and 2) Attunement to your crystal is always attunement into yourself. Therefore, each time you practice attuning to or tuning into, the energy world of your crystal, the experience will be different as you come to know various aspects both of that particular crystal and yourself.
In order to become more comfortable with your own unique way of relating to crystals, it often helps to have a basic means of guiding yourself into an attunement experience. Here are some suggestions that can serve as a guideline for attunement to your personal crystals. Before beginning, always clear your crystal first.
1. Set up an environment for yourself that is as quiet, comfortable and pleasing to you as possible. Sit in a-position that allows you spine to be straight yet relaxed and flexible. You may choose to play a favorite tape as background music.
2. As you begin any attunement process, it is good to practice to surround yourself with white light or Divine Light and to invoke energies to protect and purity so that your experience can be for you highest possible good.
3. Hold your crystal in whatever way feels comfortable to you. Do not be concerned whether or not you should hold the crystal in one hand or two, the right or left hand. There are truly no “shoulds” or rules Allow this to be your own personal experience and do what feels innately right to you in the moment.
4. Physically connect with the crystal, gently exploring its surface with your hands, noticing its physical qualities and the initial energy reaction that takes place from your contact.
5. Look directly at your crystal, noticing its shape and form, its color or clarity, its light qualities, and inclusions or any refractive or rainbow properties within the crystal. Enjoy the visual aesthetics of your crystal, gazing both at the surface and at the inside of the crystal.
6. Gently close your eyes and become aware of the natural rhythm of your breath, don’t force it, just let the slow rise and fall of your body as you inhale and exhale massage away all stress and tension, leaving you calm and relaxed. Allow anything that is keeping you from your natural state of relaxation to simply drop away as you hold your crystal and breath.
7. Let your awareness gradually extend to your crystal as you prepare to attune to and merge with the energy of the crystal.
8. Now, in your inner knowing, your mind’s eye, imagine yourself entering the crystal. This may happen in any number of ways. You may find yourself growing smaller and entering the crystal through an opening or entry that you notice in the crystal. Or the crystal may grow larger until you can easily enter it. Or perhaps you simply breathe yourself into the crystal and find yourself there. However it happened, enjoy the process of entering or merging with the crystal. Let it be whatever it is as you relax and become one with the crystal.
9. Enjoy the sensation of being one with the crystal. Notice the energy, the thoughts, the feelings and the physical sensations that you experience in this union. Do you see any colors, images, scenes, or symbols? Feel free to explore in the inner world of the crystal and to experience its reality on all levels, with all your senses. Take in the emotional and energy environment of the crystal, its atmosphere and essential qualities.
10. Now prepare to take your leave of the crystal. Thank the crystal… and your inner self… for allowing you this experience. To leave the crystal simply go back the way you came, exiting the crystal as you entered it and breathing yourself back into your physical body.
11. As you return your awareness to your physical body, see yourself once again surrounded and protected by white light, your aura intact and sealed and whole.
12. Take a moment as you open your eyes to stretch and move your body and to bring your full attention to your physical body, the present moment and your surroundings. Give yourself some time to come fully back into this present reality.
If you find it difficult to come back after attuning to your crystal, or if it takes you a long time to return or you feel spacey or light headed afterward, you may want to tape the attunement for yourself so that you know how long the attunement will be and can bring yourself back more comfortably. Or you can play one side of a favorite tape whose length you are familiar with so that the clicking off of the tape brings you back or set an alarm and place it under a pillow to mute that sound a bit. To ground yourself after an attunement, you can connect with the earth’s energy by placing your bare feet firmly on the floor, by touching the palms of your hands to the floor, by making a loud sound (Ha or Ho works very well or clapping your hands once), by touching your body with your hands to anchor the energy into your body, or by drinking some spring water. If you continue to have some difficulty coming back, you may want to skip the merging aspect of attunement for a while and tune into your crystals physically and visually until you are more familiar with crystal energy. There is no need to hurry the process – crystals are infinitely patient, having taken millennia to form, and you have plenty of time to get where you want to be with your crystals.
As you become use to attuning to your crystals, you will discover that the means of attunement are endless changing and new facets of consciousness will open up to you. Be patient with yourself and the process and a whole new inner world will unfold before you. Be with your crystals with love and respect and you will learn to be with your Self with love and respect.
Enjoy them and enjoy your self.
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