Colour is absorbed by the eyes, skin and skull and our electro-magnetic field/aura. The energy of colour can have an affect upon us on all levels, that is to say, physical, spiritual and emotional. Every cell in the body needs light energy - thus colour energy has widespread influence on the whole body.
Each of the spectrum colours is simply light of varying wavelengths, thus each color has its own particular energy.
The energy relating to each of these spectrum colours resonates with the energy of each of the seven main chakras of the body.
There are seven main energy centers (chakras) of the body, which resonate with the seven rainbow colours. There are, however, a large number of minor chakras throughout the body totaling something in excess of 300.
Chakras are like spirals of energy, each one relating to the others. Chakra (pronounced sha-kra) is the Sanskrit word for ' wheel '.
Crystals can be very powerful and are very sensitive. Crystals, like all things, have an energy field - aura - and their different energies can be used to balance/enhance our own body's energies. As with many natural therapies, crystals have been used as a healing aid for centuries.
Crystal energy, as colour energy, can help to awaken our awareness, not just of the physical imbalance / disease, but awareness of the psychological, spiritual and emotional aspects of ourselves.
Some crystals suit some people better or in different ways than others, but this simply emphasizes our uniqueness and our different needs. As with many forms of healing, we take what we need. The choice of a crystal can be simply your body knowing what it needs without the 'interference' of the intellect. This is often apparent when someone who has no experience in crystal healing will instinctively choose a crystal that happens to be the very type that his or her body requires.
The following exercise will help you to relax and receive guidance from the colours and/or the crystals you are using.
When you start the exercise and once you've placed the crystal gems on the appropriate places on your body, make sure you are comfortable and close your eyes. Spend a few minutes performing some deep, controlled breathing exercises. Breathe in slowly and deeply, then slowly breathe out. Do this for several minutes. While doing so, clear and calm your mind and imagine that each time you breath out you are releasing all stress, worries and negative energies within you. Spend as long as you need to relax and clear your mind, but 5 minutes should be long enough. While doing this, imagine yourself being surrounded by a pure, bright white, loving light. This is your protective energy, which will remain surrounded around your body during the exercise.
Colour Meditation
Visualize a beautiful rainbow above your head filled with every colour you can imagine.
Pull down the colour red from your rainbow. Allow the red to bathe the body, filling every cell, every atom until every part of you and surroundings become red.
Pull down the colour orange. Allow this beautiful colour to fill your body with its magnificent light.
Next pull down the colour yellow. The gorgeous colour of the warm sun. Fill your body and surroundings with yellow.
Allow the colour green to enter the body now. Filling every cell of the body with this beautiful hue; the colour of grass, the colour of the trees. Allow the healing power of the colour of green to embrace you fully.
Visualize the colour blue. Allow the blue to bathe your throat chakra; your area of communication and speech. See gorgeous blue mist filling the area, cleansing, rejuvenating the chakra.
See the colour purple filling the third eye point; the area of your brow between the eyes. See this colour, like a perfect plum, filling the entire body with purple light energy.
Release the purple now and fill the body with light from your higher power. Your source. Fill the body with awesome bright white light. Allow the light to embrace you fully...cleansing the body of pain, stress or fatigue.
Slowly open with eyes and come back to this place in time, fully relaxed, fully renewed.
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